Review of The Pact

The Pact (I) (2021– )
Unbelievable characters with no moral compass doing unbelievable things.
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a so-so, watchable mini-series that uses twists and turns to keep the interest up rather than create believable or likable characters. The actors are a mix of good and hammy.

The series is a bit annoying, but watchable if you're desperate for some BBC mystery, until the last episode or two which nose dive into the ridiculous and leave you wondering wtf did I just watch?

Everyone has something to hide, no one is perfect, which would be fine except that it feels like we are supposed to root for the women making deplorable decisions and to think they are the 'good guys.' They may not be perfect but their houses and clothing are, which seem to belong to much wealthier people than this bunch of factory workers.

SPOILERS AHEAD: In the end the entire group covers up the actual killer in order to save her, then they let her Godmother take the wrap for her. Then the sun shines again, the Godmother becomes a saint and is forgiven for her misdeeds (which are in themselves completely bonkers) and the world goes on spinning. There are some preaching lines about actions having consequences and yet the message in this series appears to be to not take responsibility at any cost.

Am I to believe the daughter/killer is a sociopath? Because she would have to be to allow her Godmother to rot in jail for a murder she committed while she goes off and plays house with her new baby. Her parents are complete idiots - who could live with their beloved friend spending her life in a jail cell for your kid's crime? Who would think it was a good idea to not make your daughter own up to what she did so she could have a chance of someday getting past it?

Is this a statement on parents who will go to any length to fix their Millennial children's mistakes? I have no idea what the point of this series is. Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe the whole point of this frustrating series is that no one has any morals anymore.
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