What an ACTRESS.
23 May 2021
When I page through my cable guide, I often check out a film that I have not known of before. They have to have high ratings on various review sites or a performer whom I appreciate. I had not heard of this, nor did the premise intrigue me, but when i saw Julianne Nicholson was the first named actor I immediately programmed the film. I was not disappointed. I have been a bigBigBIG fan since Law & Order: Criminal Intent. She is one of the most compelling actors working today. There is never a false moment in this performance (or any other that I have seen, for that matter). She played an unlikable character, that made you root for her even through the self-destructive behavior.

The other actors were fine but no one had more than a supporting role to JN's starring turn. On an side note, to the reviewer who waxed rapturously over Zachary Quinto's performance and said that it would have been a good movie if only it had been about him you have to understand that his role was NEVER going to be more than a peripheral one.
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