Citation (2020)
Captures the quintessence of the horrid issue
22 May 2021
More than 11% of all level students experience rape or sexual assault! Only 20% of female students report such incident to authorities. Even though 2/3rd of college students experience sexual harassment in campus, 89% of colleges report no such incident on campuses. (Source: American Association of University Women) And the data in a country like Nigeria is quite appalling! "The majority (69.8%) of the respondents had been sexually harassed, with the main perpetrators being male classmates and lecturers. And requests to do something sexual in exchange for academic favors is 32.2%." (Source: National Library of Medicine) The story contextualizes this horrid issue. It is based on the true events. Good cinematography esp few sceneries from Cape Verde and Senegal... .However, shorter runtime could have made this movie crispier. Also, the script writing lacks subtleness with somewhat middle-of-the-road dialogues. But it is still a MUST watch movie as it still captures the quintessence of the issue and delivers a clear message.
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