Fried Barry (2020)
Great performances sell a hallucinatory experience with little plot
20 May 2021
Fried Barry fully commits to insanity. No social commentary, no metaphors, no emotional drama, no tense scares, there's barely even a story tying things together. It just weaves together a series of crazy characters and over the top situations into a drug fuelled kaleidoscope. The cast must be comprised of some sort of local comedy troupe as there are so many great character actors all showing up for one liners, while Gary Green kills it as the lead stoned alien. The psychedelic scenes are all suitably trippy and come at you with manic energy. There are several moments where you can't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all, but this is hardly a traditional comedy. In fact there are so few traditional movie elements in this that I'm sure many won't find anything to grasp on to and enjoy. You gotta just strap in and appreciate the frenzy for what it is, or avoid this one all together.
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