Review of Elvis

Elvis (I) (1979 TV Movie)
Could have been perfect, but...
19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...the story simply has too many inaccuracies and some other issues to be overlooked.

Firstly though, let me say how impressed I was with Kurt Russell. He's by far the best Elvis of all that played him (we'll see how Austin Butler does in the highly anticipated Elvis movie with Tom Hanks as Tom Parker), and at times I really felt I was looking at the man himself. That said, I did notice though his moves from 1969 Vegas comeback were off, Elvis lost those twitches and ticks by then, and his moves were more precise, focused and based on karate. Still, you could see Kurt was enjoying playing Elvis, and he was great.

Other actors were mostly good too, and it was great to see Elvis' buddy Charlie Hodge playing himself. Must have been a surreal experience for him.

What really bothered me, apart from no mention of his '68 comeback special, was that the timeline was just off later on. Elvis was still very much with Priscilla at the point where the movie ends (1969), in fact she only left him three years later and they got divorced in late 1973.

Also, those death threats came a year later The suit he wore was a real Elvis-worn suit which is great, but it was from 1972.

Songs he sang at the end also came later.

Now, I can accept that Carpenter tried to push in more information into the movie, like Prisvilla leaving, but some mistakes simply serve no purpose and seem like lazy writing.

Too many important aspects and events of Elvis' life were omitted, but that's what you get for trying to fit most of his life in one movie (without even touching his latter decline).

Overall, the movie succeeded in making me believe in what I was watching,amd most of it had to do with Kurt Russell. Probably the best movie about Elvis to date.
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