Review of Another

Another (2012)
A thrill(er) ride from start to finish
19 May 2021
It's not horror by any means, but this was a pretty goddamn tense show. I like how they build up the mystery, but they actually give you answers to the mysteries they are building up like halfway through the show. Then, they introduce a new mystery so that you are intrigued the whole time and not bored of the same thing, and the last episode is the big reveal of the second mystery.

The second mystery (the whodunnit type thing, as opposed to the "what the heck is even going on" mystery) was set up really well imo. I kept going back and forth between who I thought it was, and then I landed on someone that I knew for sure that it was and it turned out it was false. Looking back, they gave more than enough info for someone with a keen eye to spot who it was, but I still couldn't figure it out, and I think that makes for the best type of mystery.

The soundtrack is really good, not a masterpiece but it fits the show really well and makes it feel very eerie and tense.

The visuals were also really good, not on the level of say, kyoani, but they were more than enough to make this show enjoyable.

This is my first (2nd if you count erased in the same category as this) time watching an anime like this, and I was thoroughly impressed. I didn't think I liked this type of thriller/mystery thing, but I actually do. I'm not sure why people are saying the story sucks or giving this a bad review, but I'm also don't watch a lot of mystery anime so they could know something I don't. All I know is that I really enjoyed watching this, and I expect you will too if you are into this sort of thing.
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