Baby Tiny Toons
17 May 2021
The concept for "What Makes Toons Tick" did sound very interesting, anything involving going back in time always fascinates me and is often done entertainingly when depicted in film and television. Seeing the Tiny Toon characters in baby form sounded like a nice idea too and sounded like a nice change from the usual. While the three segment-structured episodes of 'Tiny Toon Adventures' are mostly uneven, enough of them still entertain.

"What Makes Toons Tick" certainly does do that. Another three segment-structured episode with a wraparound story, made up of "Whirlwind Romance", "Going Up" and "Nothing to Sneeze At", it is not one of the best of 'Tiny Toon Adventures' and one segment doesn't quite come off. It also could have done a little bit more with the concept and had segments that connected with each other better. "What Makes Toons Tick" is still very nicely done and even with the Tiny Toons in their younger versions the basic spirit of the show is not lost.

Of the three segments, the only one that could have been better than it turned out is "Nothing to Sneeze At". The best aspect about it is amusing Lil'Sneezer. Hamton is also likeable enough and isn't too bland, although in general Buster, Babs and Plucky have stronger personalities than him. It is however a bit too cute, doesn't have enough laughs with what there is never being hilarious and it could have done with more energy.

Luckily the other two segments fare a lot better. Especially "Going Up", centering around the most interesting character of the characters made the leads in the episode (Plucky). It is the funniest, has the most compelling plot, the closest of the three segments to maintaining the razor sharp energy and wackiness that 'Tiny Toon Adventures' at its best has and is the most loyal of the segments to the concept.

It was a relief too that "Whirlwind Romance" was much better than expected. This was the segment that sounded the least interesting and that has the characteristics that "Nothing to Sneeze At" has, but it turned out to be a lot funnier and more interesting than it initially sounded. Not as cutesy or over-silly as expected either. Dizzy was also relatable.

Although there are better wraparound stories, the one here in "What Makes Toons Tick" is still good. Lifted by Buster and Calamity and their chemistry, which gels quite well. Something that was great as it was different from Buster and Babs and was not the odd coupling that it could have been.

Furthermore, the animation is vibrantly coloured and beautifully rich in detail, not just the backgrounds but also the expressions and reactions of the characters which are wonderfully loony. The music is dynamic and characterful as always and the theme song has always brought a smile to my face. Something that was the case when a child and still is now. The voice acting is very good and enough of the writing is witty and not juvenile.

Summing up, very nicely done. 8/10.
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