A difficult documentary
14 May 2021
Gets off to a rough start, because for the first 20 or so minutes, it doesn't really present criticisms of its subject, doesn't provide much of her background at all, and really seems to just follow her around her life and make her seem sympathetic.

I found her actions were a little more understandable (though perhaps sympathetic would be a stretch) when the background context was finally provided, and they do have interviewees and stock footage (eventually) to show how and why Black people have a problem with her actions. I think they could have gone a little harder with showing more of these criticisms, but it is interesting to balance that with some sympathetic moments and leave it up to the audience to decide.

It's the fact that she is the first high profile person to commit to being "trans race" that makes her case unprecedented and divisive. I can recognise she doesn't think that choice was harmful, but in cases like this, I think you do have to listen to what others say, and if a good number of Black people give good reasons as to why they have a problem with it, you should listen and stop doing the offending behaviour.

Still, the multiple perspectives and fairly neutral tone of the documentary did make it a little more interesting. Otherwise, the slow start and competent but unimpressive presentation does weigh it down a bit.

Like all documentaries about controversial subjects, I could definitely understand someone watching this and hating every minute of it, but for me personally, I thought it a solid, sometimes quite interesting, but certainly far from great watch about a topic/subject that, to my knowledge, no other film or documentary has covered.
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