13 May 2021
An early Safdie Brothers (Benny & Josh) film from 2014. Following on the heels of Larry Clarke's seminal 1995 film Kids, we follow the ups & mostly downs of a drug addict (played by Arielle Holmes whose novel this film is adapted from) as she tries to cop drugs, panhandle & find some sort of balance w/the love of her life, played by Caleb Landry Jones (Banshee from X-Men: First Class). After her man dares her to slash her wrists (which she does after we assume she promised to but never really sealed the deal) she gets bandaged up in a hospital & instead of taking that opportunity to clean up her act she just dumps herself back on the street where she hooks up w/a user/dealer & they spend time together where they do whatever they can to get themselves fixed up but once Jones comes back into the picture (at one point he throws a homemade ninja star at Holmes' new guy injuring him & in a later episode Holmes comes to his rescue when he nearly OD's in a public restroom). Not for the faint of heart or for those who may've been open minded about drug use or whatever when they were younger but seeing this documentary styled voyage into listlessness (many of the actors are shot from a distance giving the film an authentic feel to the proceedings) but as an exercise in filmmaking it can be equal parts exciting & depressing.
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