Duryea isn't the bad guy!
13 May 2021
In perhaps the only movie he ever made where he wasn't the bad guy, Dan Duryea gets to play the hero in The Underworld Story. He's a newspaper man in search of the truth. He has ethics and won't bend them, no matter the pressure. When he gets wind of a mysterious death, involving Howard Da Silva and Herbert Marshall, he prints what he believes are the facts. Facts can be misleading, though, and he soon finds himself drawn into a web of deceit and cover-ups.

I'm making this movie sound a little more exciting than it actually it, but I'm happy for Dan to shed his villain shoes for once. If you're a fan of his, you might want to rent it. But if you're just watching it for Herbert Marshall, it's not really worth it. It's not the best noir out there, and it is a tad predictable.
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