Murphy Brown: Life After Birth (1992)
Season 5, Episode 3
Bringing baby, office stops to a halt.
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Guest star stage actress Millicent Martin is the highlight of this episode that focuses on Murphy's return to the office and the fourth of her nannies, an uppity British lady who takes on secretarial work when Murphy breaks down and brings everybody to the office out of nervousness. After she quits, they end up at Phil's, disrupting lunch for everybody, and the presence of an actual new secretary disrupts things even more. It would be difficult to top the Dan Quayle episodes and the baby's birth. He has not been named yet outside of a few test names, and at the office doubles as a paperweight although I would not want to see the paper after a baby was on it. Nice episode, a continuation of Murphy's motherhood issues, pure slice of life with some moments that are funnier than others, especially when Murphy forgets when she leaves for the day that the baby is in the office.
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