Who needs Britidh history? Henry VIII Rocks!
10 May 2021
This was simply incredible. The writing, the pacing, the acting - i can find very little to fault in this production. It not only wholly fulfils its description of comedy, the main character goes through an incredible emotional journey in such a short amount of time and you sincrely feel invested in her.

Rob. What a man. Watching from the persepcticve of an aspiring actor, Nick Helm did an incredible job of being the quirky bystander and fulfills the role incredibly without subtracting from the main character. With this smaller cast the relationships can be highlighted and grown exponentially even through the 15 minute production; I can also safely say I love how the realtionship between what was two strangers grows and amplifies the piece without feeling tacky while still feeding into the comedy.

I would like to make further comment on the pacing as it was, at its core the driving force for the production and my love for it, the writing clearlly gave scope for the actors to have some measure of freedom - this paired with the quick cuts and consistent performance made this 15 minute production fly by so much so that I watched it twice just for the sake of it.

I would sincerely recommend any and all to watch this, as i believe the comedic timing and emotional journey are so expressly relatable that anybody could find humour and interest in this production.
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