Imagine a wolf hideout from which you can see Little Red Riding Hood's AND Grandma's home
8 May 2021
Yes, here's a little SPOILER alert. But the outcome should be pretty well known. In this version our wolf is dumb like a basement saw. So what does he need?

He needs the fox, and he needs him badly. The wolf's red buddy is a wimpy coward, although the fox isn't so small. But with his persuasive demeanor, that fella influences some creatures of the forest in the blink of an eye - albeit not for their benefit.

Because no (good) script works only with stupid or craven villains, you need a stupid good guy too. This is the role of the bear and a tiny bit also the role of the mercantile father, because he left his wife and child alone.

And is the hare's acting that bad? I would say it's not. There's a memorable scene at the end where the granny points a gun at the wolf and wishes the poor predator good 'riddance.' But don't get me wrong, this is NOT a fast-paced action comedy. True, it is a comedy, but more in the style of an opera (especially for children and older fairy tale fans).

If you want to watch "Little Red Riding Hood / Rotkäppchen", I would recommend doing so in the best (2K) HD version. It's in German, but it's also in fairy tale colors.
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