Let's Be Real (2020–2021)
Episode 1 review
4 May 2021
Wow. The election special episode was at least decent. This was really bad; like really, really bad. The Chrissy Teigen character was so irritating and unlikeable and the entire Mandalorian segment was boring as hell. The Trump stuff was slightly amusing thanks to the outrageous prices and silly behavior. The Ted Cruz stuff was plain unfunny. Flashing his privates didn't make it better. The worst joke was when the survivor attempted to commit suicide just so he wouldn't have to hear Cruz's annoying bitchiness. That was pretty tasteless.

Joe Biden's segment about cursing on network TV was a huge waste of space. Facebook one was okay but Jeff bezos ruined it. OJ Simpson segment was awful. Just unfunny and stupid. Why is OJ getting the vaccine before others? Oh right, criminals have access before real people. Andrew Cuomo's stuff was probably the only decent stuff cause I did get a few chuckles out of his sexual harassment remarks. Still not enough to save it from being a disaster.

Overall, this was a huge mess in and out. If I thought family guy was weak this week, look at this! I only laughed once and smiled like three times. The rest was either boring, tasteless, or left me with no reaction. There's only three more episodes so I'd be happy to check them all out, and I hope this is only a bad start.

I'm all for poking fun at events and people but this was just lazy. It's better than Our Cartoon President but that's a super low bar!

0.5/5, would give a 0 if the Andrew Cuomo stuff wasn't amusing.
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