Megalodon (2002 Video)
PLEASE release this for sale DIGITALLY! This movie deserves the exposure.
1 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot wait to add this to my digital library, and I've been checking in, every once in awhile to see if it's been released yet. So far, no-go. :(

I love, love, love shark movies, so I should have added this one long before I added, "The Meg".

I'm wondering if maybe the hesitancy is because Al Sapienza's character Ross Elliot's anti-environmentalist speech might actually make perfect sense to a bit too many people (in some people's opinion). Maybe they didn't want to give-up yet.

Personally, I sometimes feel this way when I become exhausted, so I printed it out and framed it for my bedroom wall. It goes like this:

Environmentalists. As if their priorities aren't screwed up already. It's too late. We've lost. Over the last 150 years we have polluted this planet far beyond what anyone could fathom and we continue to do so daily. Billions of gallons of gasoline are consumed; natural gas; coal... We pump tons and tons of sewage and chemicals into our oceans day after day and it goes on and on and on. Yet they tell us if we recycle a Pepsi can or don't cut down a tree then we could help."

"So what your saying is: conservation doesn't matter. We should just pollute ourselves into extinction."

"It doesn't matter what I say, and it doesn't matter what you think - it's exactly what we are doing."

  • Ross Elliot in an Interview ("Megalodon")
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