The Virtuoso (2021)
Messy plot, predictable twist, and very shallow characters
30 April 2021
Ok, at first I got hooked by the trailer, which set me to expect something good out of this movie, and by Anthony Hopkins, who's (usually) a safe bet. And it was a mistake, I admit!

All characters are pretty flat and shallow, dialogue is superficial and performance is disengaging (specially Abbie Cornish!), and sequence of event's does not make any sense

Put all of that aside. Finishing the movie in retrospect I asked myself: WTF just happened??? The only answer my super ego dictated was that I wasted another 1:30 hrs of my life due to not responding to my gut feeling that it's a trap!

I really wanted to like this movie, but I couldn't. 5 stars for cinematography and Hopkins performance, zero for everything else except Abbie Cornish's performance that is -2!

If you find this review unhelpful (which is a sorta true) then imagine your disappointment when you watch this movie! Sorry.
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