Anniversary Nightmare (2019 TV Movie)
Believe the reviews lol
30 April 2021
It's awful and nothing about it is remotely believable. Annalynne's acting is amusing because she's basically Naomi in everything but that's not necessarily a negative on Lifetime. However, it's a negative here. So much overacting and it's hard to take her seriously. I didn't buy her as the mom of those kids and the way the movie played out, I don't get why they were there.

As for the plot, it just gets more and more absurd as the movie progresses. It actually started off promising when she wakes up and finds Andrew gone and there is some suspense that builds as she realizes something isn't right. But after that, nothing makes sense. I imagined that the writers sat around the table, tossing a ball and whoever caught it had to add onto the plot with the most absurd plot point. The court and jail scenes gave me extreme secondhand embarrassment for all involved, the twist pissed me off, and the ending was so anticlimactic and heavy-handed that I regretted watching it. This is not a repeat watch flick. It's just not a so bad it's good movie. In fact, repeat viewing might reveal even more stupidity. The movie was just lazily put together.
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