A decently engaging story
29 April 2021
The advantage of TV series set in on an actual historical timeline is that you know there will be a proper ending without the watering down and dragging out that plagues too many serialised stories. Inés del alma mía is a good example of such a story, based on true historical persons and events, even if the plot author has taken some liberties with the timelines for dramatic effect, condensing some events, leaving out some more, and moving forward others. The budget also limits what could be shown. Battle scenes are all shown with narrow focus, since it was not possible to field hundreds, let alone thousands, of extras in period attire.

Inés is portrayed as a thoroughly modern woman in a time when that would inevitably have led to her demise, but the special circumstances in which she comes to find herself, make it plausible that she could have prospered as she did. On the whole a quite palatable story that was worth telling and is worth watching.
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