You know what that actually spooked me
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I watch a horror film and it actually scares me I don't have much negative things to say about it. I watch horror films to get spooked and it actually did so fair play. I'm also a bit of a sucker for hand held films, I think it adds a bit of realism to the film making it scarier. Some of my favourite horror films are hand held. Jill Larson was genuinely terrifying, I don't think there's many actresses that could look that terrifying. The bit where she had her mouth over that kids head was mortifying, I truly didn't expect to see that when she went around the corner. I feel a 6.5 would be spot on but stupid IMDB haven't introduced .5s yet and a 7 would be over generous so it gets a 6.
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