Trite and "sexist" B movie discredits the great B-movie genre
28 April 2021
This movie begins in a very promising manner as hardcore cop and noir film and but soon disintegrates into a silly love story that is more sexist than sexy with 2 cops who think it's cure to "harass" a woman and, worse, it turns out that she finds their harassment irresistible after she gets used to it. Kate's mother must be as sexist as the cops. (I would add that I have zero tolerance for feminism, so my review is far from being based on political correctness. But there's a difference between being politically correct and just disliking stupid rude behavior.

The plot doesn't even make sense. Syndicate operators don't start fights with cops if they can help it. The first car chase scene following the rubout of the competitor doesn't make sense. Rubouts are usually done in a very surgical manner, except in movies in the 1930s. But this movie was made in 1950.

So much is wrong with the film, including the gangster's escape from the prison infirmary (or was it hospital?), his appearance at his girlfriend's home, which should be the last place he would go to. Taking the child hostage just added another cliche to the film I confess the scene where Edmund O'Brien walked along the ledge of the building was well done.

It's obvious to see why Gale Storm did so well in the "My Little Margie" and "Oh, Susanna" series, since she was not made for serious drama, as this part shows.

This is one of the few B noirs that just was a misfire all the way. Parenthetically, today two cops in hot pursuit of an employee at the police station would hardly be considered amusing.

PS: I clicked no spoilers since that's a nebulous term. In a sense any detail in a plot is a spoiler. But as I understand the word "spoiler" must pertain to a key "surprise" that the average viewer is not supposed to guess, not any fairly predictable development in the plot. A classic example of a spoiler in my view would be the ending of *Psycho." not that a gangster in a movie is killed at the end.
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