Nobody (I) (2021)
Death Wish meets the Coen Brothers on Groundhog Day
27 April 2021
We liked it. Mrs AdultAudienceMember, who generally has a low opinion of righteous retribution movies, enjoyed this one. It is funny in a most violent way. It is a perfect example of that, yes, violence can solve a problem.

This isn't Lawrence of Arabia. It's not the Muppets Take Manhattan. It's a movie about an "ordinary" guy who reaches the breaking point and resorts to various skills he picked up in a past career. I know, you're saying to yourself, it's just another Taken movie. No. Liam Neeson is always cool and professional. Nobody is a man of brutal action. Neeson uses a couple of rounds. Nobody uses two full magazines, a grenade or two, and a few pointy objects.

Personally, I thinks it's the best Feel Good movie of 2021.
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