25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At its core, Let's Scare Julie is about four teen girls who decide to play a prank on the new girl (Julie) who just moved into the creepy house across the street; spooky stuff goes down; not everyone makes it back home. Unfortunately, there are a ton of random occurrences that happen along the way that turn that simple story idea into a total mess.

First is how we're clearly told that main character Taylor's dad is kind of an angry drunk with a house full of weapons but her three obnoxious friends just sneak in anyway to scream and smoke and prank Taylor's newly orphaned cousin Emma. Then there's a story about the creepy old lady who lived in the house next door. But! Julie and her dad just moved in so why not go prank this character none of them have ever met But! Something goes wrong and two of the girls go back to Taylor's house because something went wrong with the prank But! It's really all about Emma and this bad thing she did so anything that happens to the other characters really doesn't make sense? Emma didn't even know them until an hour before so there's no weight of her losing her friends. It's a disappointment because there are a few scenes that offer genuine chills but there's so much nonsense before and after that those scenes are wasted.
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