The Secrets We Keep (I) (2020)
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Because of the over all rating of 5.8 on IMDb, I wasn't expecting too much from this movie, "The Secrets We Keep", but I came to it with an open mind and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Noomi Rapace is NOT one of my favourite actresses but in this I think she was really quite excellent. Her husband in the movie was also good as was the actor who played Thomas.

I was sitting watching this with my wife who was going on about how unnecessarily horrible Rapace's Maja character was being to Thomas. Frankly, in view of what happened to Maya and to her sister Miriah at the hands of Thomas and his Nazi friends, I think she was pretty restrained. It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold and here I think we have a good example of such revenge, completely justified in my opinion. Legal means had failed Maja and her dead sister so her vigilantism was I think quite understandable.

I admit that I have never seen "Death and the Maiden" which, in view of others' comments, is clearly where this movie came from. I have looked for that one for sale on DVD and Blu-Ray and also on Netflix and YouTube without any success but I am keen to see it some time.

One or two others have said that, for a movie set in the 1950s, "The Secrets We Keep" is an excellent recreation of that that time. I quite agree; the production design here was terrific.

There are some small problems with credibility here but not to the extent that they detracted much from my enjoyment of the movie over all.

I was very pleasantly surprised by "The Secrets We Keep". It is a movie that I could stand to watch repeatedly, although probably not very often as I do with other better movies.

By all means watch it and try to enjoy it for what it is.

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