Red Light (I) (2020–2021)
Red night- not a high light
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When this series was announced I was expecting someting akin to Matroeskja's. It compares to that series like coffee from an office coffee machine compares to barista espresso.

The characters are bland and do not solicit symphathy. A cop who has a drinking problem and abandons her family or a cheap prostitute are hard to care for. The bad guys are also pretty lame. Ray van Mechelen was a nasty piece of work sure. But he had pzazz and a (mean) sense of humor. The other gang members each had a distinct personality. Here, nothing.

In fact, Carice's accent almost makes for a painful viewing experience.

And Red Light lacks pacing. They could have done with half the episodes, easily. But then might I suggest you do NOT make a series about prostitution. That involves nudity.

I really do not get what Halina and Carice are trying to do. Do they want to entertain? Or do they want to give a glimpse into the nasty world of prostitution?

Now I can understand that as a woman you have an issue with female nudity. But might I suggest.that a series involving prostitution might not be the best idea?

What, just WHAT are Carice and Halina trying to achieve? Do they want to entertain, do they want to educate or do they want to warn people about the seedy underworld of prostitution?

They fail miserably on all accounts. I mentioned Matroeskja's before. This show was written with entertainment purposed in mind and not to be a realistic representatation of the prostitute life.

Yet that series captures it brilliantly and it was shown worldwide. Amnesty International; even used clips from Matroeskja's to warn young girls in Eastern Europe of human traffickers.

That series was memorable. This was not. This is pure trash. Avoid, please avoid.
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