Colorful and spectacular adventure was among the first of its kind to be shot on location in Mexico
22 April 2021
Set 16th-century , mainly concerning Spanish nobleman Pedro de Vargas : Tyrone Power forced to flee the wrath of inquisition chief : John Sutton . Along the way, he's embroiled in continuous adventures , and takes peasant girl Cantana -introducing the fiery Jean Peters to screen- who helped him , and joins Cortez's expedition to Mexico and the search for Aztec riches , eventually participating in the fall of the Aztec Empire ruled by Emperor Moctezuma. Master of Women's Hearts ...Conqueror of a New World ! Here is the full surge of conquest of gold and empire ! My Sword shall make a New World ...your Kiss will make it Paradise !

A slice of 16th-century history about the Spanish colonization of the New World with lots of adventures , fencing , breathtaking duels and old-fashioned pageantry. Regarding Hernan Cortez and its conquest of the Aztec Empire , furthermore the rousing battles scenes should please the action enthusiasts . Very good main cast as Tyrone Power , Cesar Romero and Jean Peters' screen debut . Great support cast with several familiar faces , such as : Lee J Cobb, John Sutton , Alan Mowbray , Thomas Gomez, Barbara Lawrence, George Zucco, Mark Lawrence, Antonio Moreno , Roy Roberts , among others . Cameramen Charles Clarke and Arthur Arling provide a brilliant cinematography that is clarity itself , and filmed largely on location in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Morella, Michoacan, Acapulco , Guerrero, Mexico . And accompanied by a rousing as well as sensitive musical score by maestro Alfred Newman .

The film is freely based on historical events , though the first part dealing with Inquisition pursuit is most fictitious than second one . As the second part regarding Hernan Cortes conquest , reenacting his tumultuous history . As in 1519 , Cuba governor Diego Velazquez trusted him the command an expedition to Yucatan , including 11 ships , 600 soldiers and artillery enough . Arriving in Mexico , he battles local natives , vanquising them and being gifted the India Marina or Malinche who helps him as an interpreter , subsequently founding city of Veracruz and firing the ships to impede the people return to Mexico. Cortez establishes alliances with local kings , making peace with natives submitted by Aztecs , as the Indians Toltecas and Tlaxcaltecas . Later on , Hernan Cortes leads his army to Tenochtitlan to meet Aztec Emperor Moctezuma , but there things go awry .
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