21 April 2021
I've recently lost interest in comic book films and this series a perfect example of why. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has such an unrealistic plot and hollow characters. But the nail in the coffin is the pacing or the lack of. Nobody watches these films for politics or to watch someone struggle with his income, if we wanted that, there are plenty of great dramas out there. And if you want to make it about politics then you've got to have compentet writers to back it, The Winter Soldier(2014) was Marvel's best film, because it didn't rely on flashy effects and an estabilished universe, it wanted to set itself apart from it's peers and that why it's the film that I respect most in the MCU. Even the actors look bored in some scenes, can't say I blame them. The visual effects are the only departmant where this series doesn't fail but I'll take a good story with bad effects any day of the week.

Story: 2/10 Characters: 3/10 Visuals: 7/10 Pacing: 3/10

Overall: 4/10.
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