It is adorable!
18 April 2021
I don't want to judge manga or whatever here, I did not read it except for 1 chapter due to my fetish. Writing this review after watching 2 episodes and I am quite impressed.

SCENES: Scenes are pretty funny and aesthetic. Music fits great, animations looks decent. Scenes part is main here, the purpose of this anime is to call some emotions, not necessarily funny, sometimes anger or disgust but it is okay.

CHARACTERS: Even though the comedy genre is primary, I can still feel the character's emotions by story telling/facial expressions like I'm watching a good drama. Someone can be kind of confused about Nagatoro and treat her as a negative character, but it's quite opposite and it reveals at the very beginning. She actually makes senpai a better person in her peculiar way.

PLOT: It contains good, comprehensive storytelling that makes characters motivations and choices fairly clear.
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