Astral (III) (2018)
so...where was the ending?
18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We decided to try this because it sounded good and we were curious why it was scored so poorly. Through 9/10 of the movie, we were like, "this is so much better than it's imdb score."

Then...the end.

Actually, maybe a better example would be-THE END.

That's what the movie does. It starts getting some real momentum and you're into it and then it's just OVER. Like they ran out of film or something. My husband put it well, I think: "The movie should have started about thirty minutes into the story and ended thirty minutes later."

So much of it seemed mainly about Alyssa, the super type-A girl, trying to get Alex to realize she's into him. That's seriously like a third of the movie. Well, that and his peripheral friends, who it seems like only the five of them go to school there. But that's easy to forgive. It's easy to get over. If that's the way it's plotted, it works...AD LONG AS YOU GET AN ENDING.

The spooks start appearing slowly, then much more rapidly. The doctor he sees who recognizes his pendant? Like, literally cut ALL of that. Work on exorcism issues just like they were. Then when they think it's okay, like when we see Alex got his brain working and brings Alyssa to meet his dad, THEN you see the drawing and it cuts away to give you his mom's view of the evening she kills her self. And instead of just ending, have them go back to the present. See Alex has gotten duped by the demon. (show him w the demon-black eyes or something.) and the demon moves through Alex to Alyssa and they have to keep Alyssa alive and it's like, redemption for them after the thing with his mom. SOMETHING.

This movie is so good for the whole of it! How can it just leave us hanging like that? (one no pun intended).
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