Snöänglar (2021– )
I can't see anything, it's so dark
16 April 2021
It's a very sad story of child abuse. I don't agree with the other review, that it's unrealistic, how indifferent and incompetent the sosial services are. This happens every day. And even more so in the incredibly naive Sweden. They are the world's biggest pretenders. I don't wonder at Salle's having to work a lot either. How much do you think he earns at these jobs? The series evokes feelings, all negative. Most of the characters are irritating. AND there is no lighting. It's apparently a new dogma, only natural light. It's such a strain on the eyes, I don't see the actors half the time. OMG! I hope this stupid idea won't spread. If you want to see a good Swedish series, check out "Jagten på en mördare".
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