The Pact II (2014)
Predictable, disappointing, and completely inconsistent with the original
16 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first movie, The Pact, was a solid film. It may have had one major plot hole, but it barely matters because overall the story was inventive and well told, the atmosphere was taut and often nerve-wracking, and the whole thing had surprising depth. None of this is true of the sequel. Though it did a reasonable job emulating the style of its predecessor, nothing about The Pact 2 lives up to the original. It did at least earn some points by not simply rehashing the first one, and there were a couple of genuinely eerie moments, but those are the only positive things I can say for it. It suffers from two major flaws: its predictability (oh, look, the only nice man is the bad guy, truly I am shocked), and the enormous unlikeability of its lead character. While the first one gave us Annie, a nuanced figure whose occasional hostility was a mask and the result of prior trauma, the writers of the sequel apparently only saw a woman who wasn't very nice and tried to create a character just from that. The result is a lead who's simply hostile when things don't go her way; she's often selfish and petulant, and nearly impossible to sympathize with. All in all, the film's an unsatisfying and often dull effort, and top it off, it ends with a conspicuous effort to launch a franchise.

And just to make it a little more irritating, it can't even exist in the same world as the original. The end of The Pact showed that Annie stuck around in San Pedro long enough to grow her hair back, sell her house, and be granted custody of her niece. This movie takes place only weeks after climax of the first film, but features an Annie with a full head of hair, living in another city, with no sign of the child in question. Now that's just sloppy.
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