What a Dreadful pair of episodes.
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** **Does contain spoilers**.

Just what were the writers even thinking of. All that money, time & effort thrown at this two part episode and the result was GARBAGE, near total Dross.

All those number of on set Extras in it, if anyone ever says they were in Deep Space Nine just you believe it!, it is most probably true, they will likely have been in those two rotten episodes.

It was Corny, Cheesy, Slow, Dull, Predictable, Uneventful, call a spade a spade it was rubbish. Barely a thing in it of any merit at all, plot & action wise.

We even had Daxy Trilli Al-Jazera with the most STUPID looking hair-do you could ever imagine. MOP HEAD!, one of the Fab Four.

Some sort of Red Dwarf Duane Dibbley hair cut. She looked like Moe from the Three Stooges. Jim Carey from Dumb & Dumber, AND even looked like Wacko Jacko, It made her look a right PRAT.

Her getting out and getting back in a sewer cover & sewerage system, emerging with no stains at all and no torch either, at both ends. Like no one would have attempted to escape in this way beforehand. With these streets seen to be PACKED out with people, except when Trilli Mop Head Dax was getting in & out of the sewer hole unseen by the Extra's.

With some weird creep nicking Mop Heads com badge and making off with it. She could have tackled him on all her own without the subsequent non event 'padding' of that tracking down & confrontation scene.

I bet Frakes insisted as part of his visual appearance in an episode almost directly prior to this pair of garbage, episode 9 in "Defiant", that he got to direct a two-parter episode shortly after it. Conditions of his appearance.

It was HAMMY all the way through. Hammy acting from many of the supporting cast. Dreadful to sit there and put ourselves through watching it.

All that effort & expense and the result was a steaming pile at the end of it all. It was bad, very bad!. It has to be said.

Can't see how anyone could praise these two episodes, it had nothing. Just some woke sociopolitical message buried in there somewhere that some may attempt to adapt & apply to our modern day life.

A wide difference between the two-parter at the start of Season 3 and this load of tripe. Even the eye candy Terry Farrell was outclassed by Major Kira in her elfin type clothing, looked attractive in her clothing, especially in her close up facial shots, sticky plaster on her nose or not, she had a way of drawing in our gaze to her face.

Mop Head on the other hand looked like an uptight librarian balancing imaginary books on her head in an episode of Little House on the Prairie, that was occasionally set in a nearby large Town.

Right, so no more than 3 stars for this two-parter, a grandiose effort but for me not one that payed off. Frakes directing it or not, the script was dull & lifeless, dragging on & on, just never inspired or got anything out any of the actors involved.

The DS9 series itself is worth far more than 3 stars, but these two episodes were not. I'd have given it 2 stars were it not for close up facial shots of Nana Visitor, in nice attractive clothing WITH a nice hair-do.
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