The Father (I) (2020)
"I don't know what's happening anymore."
13 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie brings you inside the mind of someone losing their memories and recognition of those around them. In another genre, what happens here could just as well take place in a horror film. The fascinating thing about the story as it unfolds is that as the viewer, there comes a point where you begin to question whether what you're seeing is what the principal character is experiencing, or whether it's a figment of Anthony's (Anthony Hopkins) imagination. The distinction between his reality and the reveries that make up his daily existence sort of blend together in a way that confound the senses. Hopkins is extraordinary in the role, and if this is his last chance to earn an Oscar for Best Actor, then it's a darn good one in a field with some significant competition. Olivia Colman as Anthony's struggling daughter expresses all the concern and frustration that comes with being the primary caregiver for her dementia stricken father, and there are somber moments in the picture when you want to cry along with her over the hopelessness of both his and her situation. As a harbinger of what might happen to anyone as we all approach those senior twilight years, the film can be a depressing experience, only somewhat mitigated by the care and concern that dedicated health care workers are able to provide in an institutional setting. As tender and comforting as the closing scene is, it's one that will break the heart of anyone who's been through a similar experience.
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