Other People (I) (2016)
Beautiful Porcelain Story for most people
11 April 2021
This was a nice movie for those who aren't the 'other people'. The title accurately reflects the main premise that stays with you. How we always think the worst things will occur to other people and then we don't know how to handle it when they do occur. It's a movie that is a solid drama and characters are quite relatable. And if you have a terminal disease, I hope you reach your end in a way that is as comfortable and beautiful as is the case in this movie.

But the movie does not reflect the reality of those 'other people'. Reality is so very different, the movie actually feels like a slap in the face to those who have actually gone through the entire affair of loved ones with terminal illnesses. It's such a porcelain story it almost makes you feel guilty for the things you didn't do with loved ones. Unlike in the movie you usually can't put time on hold and have a perfect ending doing parties, visiting places doing things without constant care. The reality is grim and constantly needing to make decisions that are never the right ones and fear for all that is to come.

Maybe it's a movie that can show you what's nice to do when a person has been diagnosed with cancer, is wealthy, still has plenty of time to live and has a group of people that have all the time in the world to support them. However, if you are one of those 'other people' you 99% surely won't have such a porcelain end.
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