The Penthouse (II) (2021)
Reaches a new low....
11 April 2021
I don't write many reviews but this movie was so bad in so many ways right from the first frame and opening credits that I had to chime in. Immediately the 1st thing you notice is that the footage running under the opening credits looks like washed out stock footage from the 80s. Sadly this isn't the case and whoever was manning the camera had no idea what he/she was doing. In fact, most of the movie looks this way. Soft picture, dull colors and uncontrolled lighting that seems way too harsh most of the time... From scene to scene the overall look is so inconsistent it just kept me from ever actually caring about the storyline. The acting was also entry level amateur, the cinematography boring and the bargain basement cast of washed up has-been D-movie actors just didn't help at all. This kind of movie may be for some but was just a wasted night for me. I'd call it an exercise in mediocrity except that would be an undeserved compliment.
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