Superstars: The Extended Version Documentary is a must for any Jesus Christ Superstar fan.
10 April 2021
If you're a fan of the movie Jesus Christ Superstar, you owe it to yourself to watch Superstars: The Extended Version Documentary. I loved it. I loved it so much that after seeing it for free, I had to buy it. I consider it a great addition to the movie itself.

Superstars: The Extended Version Documentary begins with all the principal actors getting together for a reunion. And the love that is shared between this group of friends is heartwarming. You want to hang out with them because it looks like they're having so much fun. They are clearly a family, with so much affection for each other, so much appreciation, and laughter! I felt like I had been allowed entry into a private, intimate club with a group that had shared an extraordinary experience. And in fact, I was. It was spectacular, and, as a fan, I felt both humbled and honored to witness that.

All the principal actors - Ted Neeley, Yvonne Elliman, Barry Dennen, Bob Bingham, Kurt Yaghjian, Larry Marshall, and Josh Mostel - were there to share their personal stories and mindset during the making of Jesus Christ Superstar. I found this fascinating: it's like they pulled back the curtain on a beloved movie and allowed us to catch a glimpse into the intimate details from the inside. It was wonderful to see these actors, back in 1973, speaking out of character. They were (are) such a humble, thoughtful, funny, and extraordinarily talented group. I also loved how Superstars: The Extended Version Documentary juxtaposes the past with the present with stories and interviews - from today back to 1973 in Israel. Norman Jewison had a reporter and photographer on set during filming, fortunately, so there's a lot of footage. And the pictures! So many behind-the-scenes amazing photos.

There are also noteworthy interviews with Mr. Norman Jewison himself, the man responsible for the masterpiece. He graciously gives of his time, taking us further behind the scenes and sharing his thoughts and vision. He gives insight on what he had set out to achieve in making Jesus Christ Superstar (and did so in spades), and I found his words to be deeply inspiring.

Sadly, the incredibly talented Carl Anderson passed away some years ago, so he could not join the reunion. But there is a heartwarming tribute to him and the brilliant Barry Dennen, who passed after the Superstars Documentary first came out as well. These two gifted performers could never be left out by their beloved cast mates, and the movie would never have been the same had any of these actors not been involved.

And finally, there is an interview session with a cast reunion and Norman Jewison in New York. Here they share great, heartwarming stories (Barry's made me laugh, so different from Pontius Pilate) more film footage; there's even a football game where Ted takes all. Well, he is JC, right?

In any case, Superstars: The Extended Documentary is a keepsake for anyone interested in knowing a little more about the movie Jesus Christ Superstar or who simply wants a little backstory into the art of moviemaking. This is one you don't want to be without.
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