Judas Ghost (2013)
Intriguing but dubious
9 April 2021
I enjoyed the film, although I wouldn't really categorize it as a horror movie per se. I agree with user Catharina_Sweden in that to me, this seems better viewed as a stage play.

I did have a lot of questions in the beginning, not all of which got answered. However, upon learning that this was based off of a book series, I realized that this was very likely meant to be an addition to that universe and not a standalone work, which makes it easier to digest.

I thought the actors did a wonderful job. I did notice that the ending was rushed, and the ending scene left me with more questions than answers, though I think I understand why this was done the way it was. Personally, if I could choose one thing to fix about this, it would be to tie up some loose ends. The special effects, while obviously low-budget, are not so much so that they detract from the viewing experience, in my opinion.

In fact, I think the fact that their "ghost" is recognizable to the audience as a person in stage makeup serves as a metaphor for how we all have something in common with even the worst monsters, and how anyone can become a monster. I would even say that the ending scene does emphasize this, despite its many flaws. I'm probably reading too much into it, though.
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