Rising Wolf (2021)
9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie about a woman stuck in an elevator, this movie is surprisingly directionless. The first half an hour sets up like it's gonna be a horror movie, with a couple of jump scares and angles teasing something coming into focus. It then backflips from that into the main portion of the movie, a hostage movie. But it just feels shallow. We are given interluding flashbacks that tease a bigger picture, but this just means the movie asking more questions that it won't deliver on. It seems this movie was written with a sequel in mind, given how many unanswered questions it leaves unanswered. On top of that, the clear gaps in logic (such as a phone surviving ~10 drops of free fall from 60+ stories and why did the workers the following day not seem suspicious as a white woman exits a building or the fact that they have 2 elevators just missing that were there the night before?), and an overly unsatisfying ending.

Positives were that visually the movie had a lot going for it, the cgi was good for the most part, with a few exceptions (the scene at the end where when became the elevator wall), actors for the most part seemed believable in their roles and I didn't hate the answers we actually did get from the movie, just wish there was more of them.

Overall not the worst movie ever, but sees either unfinished or was a finished story that they decided to split into 2 movies.
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