The Flash: The One with the Nineties (2021)
Season 7, Episode 6
Focussing on the other team members makes it better.
7 April 2021
Ok the episode wasn't terrible this time, but there are still the same issues bothering me as the last couple of previous episodes. I enjoyed that they focussed a bit more on Chester and Cisco this time rather then Flash. They finally gave Chester some kind of backstory making the character more believable and more appealing to the viewers. They should dedicatea a episode to Frost and focus on her backstory, when she was working as Killer Frost.

It's still the same problem though with the villians always being talked down before they destroy everything. They need a villian like Reverse Flash or Zoom again to add the fear back into the show, the she-Hulk isn't doing that for me.

I always don't buy the story of the Speedforce being hunted by the other forces. Most likely the Speedforce is the one after them because they represent a new kind of threat to her and she wants to get rid of them.

I'm really hoping for a good plot twist.
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