Before I Say Goodbye (2003 TV Movie)
not great
4 April 2021
Sean Young stars in a real career killer, a Canadian TV movie, "Before I Say Goodbye," based on a Mary Higgins Clark novel. The film also stars Peter DeLuise Lloyd Bochner, and Winston Reckert. Reckert once starred in the series "Adderly," which was shown on American late-night TV in the '80s.

Young plays Nell, soon to be a candidate for her grandfather's (Bochner) seat in Congress. She's very close to her grandfather, having lost her parents in a plane crash when she was young.

Nell's husband Adam (Christopher Shyer) isn't happy about her decision to run, on top of which, he's a bad architect. Sadly the day the couple fights about her getting involved in a campaign, and later that day, he dies in a boat explosion. It wasn't an accident.

Nell is contacted by a woman whose husband also died in the explosion, Lisa Ryan (Ursula Karven) - she has found $50,000 among her husband's belongings. Was it a bribe, hush money? Neither woman knows, but they set out to get some answers.

There is a psychic (Claudette Mink) involved with both Nell and Lisa, and she is pretty convincing as she contacts Adam in a seance, telling Nell to get rid of his clothes. She donates them to the usual place, their church, but finds a safety deposit box key in one of his pockets. Then she finds a key for the same box in the home of Adam's secretary, Winifred, who was also killed. The search is on for Winifred's fiance, who might have some answers.

Just not good. Not only that, it's all over the place. The psychic, an investigation into bad business dealings, a property deal, a nefarious-seeming businessman, a run for Congress, everything but the kitchen sink.

I have to disagree with one of the reviewers who seems to be a fan of Sean Young. I'm not, and I'll leave it at that. However, I loved seeing handsome Winston Rekert.

This thing runs amok and finally ends, and the ending is pretty wild.

I'd skip it.
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