The Rental (2020)
Went downhill fast...
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential. There were some obvious horror tropes: deserted house, surly landlord, etc. You get to know the couples and the dynamic isn't so rosy. Infidelity happens, drug-taking happens, dogs disappear, a creepy locked room is discovered. There is a POV shot of someone watching the house and heavy breathing.

Then things go downhill. The couples suspect they are being spied on...the jacuzzi conveniently breaks, necessitating a visit from the surly landlord, who promptly gets beaten senseless. They introduce a mysterious stranger, dressed in black, who finishes him off. The couples think it's their fault and try to throw the body off a cliff. Smart choice. Footage of the infidelity (which conveniently takes place in a shower that has a camera) flashes up on the screen, causing the scorned woman to flee and be killed by the mysterious stranger, who then sends texts luring her husband to her location. Guess what? He is promptly killed, too.

The mysterious stranger, in a sfx old-man mask, polishes off the other couple, dismantles the surveillance system and starts to take off the mask, but...denied! The camera cuts away. You can tell the guy is young, though. His silhouette walks to the balcony and in runs the missing dog, who does the best acting in the movie, looking apprehensive and confused.

Finally, the young mysterious stranger is being shown another glamorous home by a realtor, who gives him the keys. He makes a copy of the key and sets up the surveillance system. Then he waits on the couch with his old-man mask and black clothing on. As the credits come up, a montage of surveillance footage is shown: people watching TV, sitting on the toilet, cooking. Finally, a person is shown sleeping and the mysterious stranger suddenly runs toward the bed. Cue spooky music.

There. I just saved you and hour and a half.
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