It would have been better to make a documentary about this subject
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a docudrama, this isn't very good. The characters are not well developed, verge too close on stereotypes, and are not interesting. (The acting and the cinematography are fine.) Had this been made as a documentary about the Dutch artist who forged all these paintings, I think it would have been more interesting.

As it is, the movie lacks focus. During much of it, the theme seems to be that value in art is determined arbitrarily by critics, who cannot see real talent half the time. But then at the end, the focus shifts to how we can judge those who lived through the war, and suggests that we cannot, so that it is better just to have sex with them.

Rather than sit through this, I'd recommend tracking down the book on which it is based and reading that instead. I still have no idea why the Dutch would have seen this man as a hero.
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