I'm just an old Jarhead blessed w ADHD w a slightly different view!
31 March 2021
I sometimes wonder why some folkseses evenbother going to movies sometimes, especially critics. My viewpoint on critics has simply been this: the problem w critics is... they're too doggone critical! Why not just enjoy the movie 1st? That is, see it in the unadulterated eyes of... a spectator, or in some cases, like a child. This is one of those films.

Put yourself in the shoes of that boy, especially if you were raised by a sgl parent. If you were in that boy's shoes & such an opportunity arose, would you be willing to take a chance?

If you're still thinking about if you would or not, you've already missed the point. This is also 1 of those intro's that deserves an answer.

That is, there should be a whole movie. You've got an excellent trailer. Now you need the rest of the movie. I think it would be like Bridge to Terabithia in 1 sense, along w Arthur & the Invisibles , & I'm sure there's others I'm not thinking of .

So the 9 is bc it's 1 star short... the rest of the movie!

That's all that leaked out from my ADHD-riddled brain on this wonderful... movie trailer.

This is 1 old Jarhead signing off... until we meet again... Take care & have a wonderful day. As son of the l8 gr8 Pres Reagan, Michael used to say at the close of his radio show, "Keep your nose down & your powder dry!" Gby (God bless you)
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