Beautifully written story, BUT with on major plot flaw
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this is an excellent acted psychological drama/love story, with the main protagonists scarred by events or situations they have been in during their life. The main setting is a psychiatric hospital & I will not go into the main storyline details b/c that can be read in a synopsis.

I wanted to give this drama an 8 or 9/10, but there is one RIDICULOUS plot twist that I cannot forgive so I've only given it a 6/10.

*****SPOILER ALERT******

Okay, let us talk about the mom of the daughter still being alive. It really goes off the rails on this "twist" in Episode 14. In Episode 13, the mom was shown explicitly being thrown off a 2nd story balcony by her husband & directly landing on the side of her head on the below stairwell. She suffered SEVERE hemorrhaging that would have killed her; but let's say for "creative license" sakes she survived this event. She would have had a SEVERE traumatic brain injury & would be eating through a straw the rest of her life! But there is more. Her husband then throws her body that's inside a bag into a cold lake. So basically, she's now dead X 2.

But nope, she's been alive the last 20 yrs. & is now the head nurse at the psychiatric hospital! Say what?? It's explained that she looks nothing like her younger version b/c of plastic surgery; and by looking at the difference b/t the 2 mom actors, extensive/multiple plastic surgeries! I don't know how she found time to go to nursing school.

If that isn't enough bad writing, it's shows the mom/head nurse helping a patient kill himself that occurs in Episode 1. But there are surveillance cameras in his room. A detective with more than 1 brain cell could look at the surveillance camera to show her helping him commit suicide! But that would have been the end of this drama after 1 episode.

To me, this type of writing is an insult to the viewer. I understand in many dramas you must suspend belief to a point. But this "suspension" is Friday the 13th Jason type-suspension. And this is not a Friday the 13th type drama. Overall, it is a beautifully written drama showing how 2 scarred individuals fall in love while one grows a soul & the other finds life beyond helping others.

My recommendation is to watch this drama but have your favorite hard liquor of choice available in Episode 14..........it might make the ridiculous plot twist go down better.
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