New Amsterdam: Safe Enough (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
31 March 2021
I have loved this show until season 3 and Covid. I watch movies and tv shows for entertainment and give me an outlet from the real world. Since Covid has happened, our world feels like chaos. I don't understand why it is necessary to push a narrative on this show that's false and could be very dangerous. Instilling fear is not what we need right now. Screaming at the top of our lungs that we should all be afraid is ridiculous. Go back to just writing good story and stop already with this political crap. Some people may say it's not political. But it is. My husband is an ED nurse and he gets very upset at all the lies and misinformation that's being delivered. Also, why in the world are we telling people they should be afraid when nobody in the hospital is wearing masks until they go outside foe some reason. It's so stupid. I just want the writers to go back to writing a good story. Because if this continues, I don't know if we will be able to continue to watch, which really makes me sad because I have really enjoyed this show.
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