The Widow (2020)
This was utterly pointless...
30 March 2021
Well, from the movie's rating on IMDb and a relatively interesting movie cover/poster, I must admit that I was expecting this movie to be something worthwhile watching.

But it wasn't. This was a snoozefest of epic proportions. Nothing, and I mean that literally, nothing of any worth happened throughout the course of the prolonged and intolerable 45 minutes of suffering I sat through before I just gave up on the movie given the total sense of boredom that permeated the movie.

Sure, the movie was off to an interesting start with the rescue team roaming about the countryside looking for the lost boy Nikita, and then the found the mysterious woman instead and the movie just slipped down a very slippery slope and never recovered. The movie went from being relatively interesting to being a boring event in an instant.

As for the storyline in the movie, well, forget about it, because there isn't really much of anything here. And whatever little there was present in the storyline was just brutally killed by the permeating boredom and sense of pointlessness that oozed from every single scene.

And little did it help that the characters felt like faceless drones milling about. I couldn't tell the characters from one another, not that it really mattered, because the characters had no personalities, no background stories, no traits or quirks to make the unique. It was just a faceless swirl of bodies running around with no aim or purpose. So whatever happened to the characters in the 45 minutes of suffering I sat through didn't matter one ounce.

If you enjoy horror movies, then "The Widow" (aka "Vdova") is not a movie that I would recommend you wasting your money, time or effort on. Some of us did in smaller or greater extend - depending on your tolerance level of watching rubbish - so you don't have to.

This movie was a massive swing and a miss from writers Natalya Dubovaya, Ivan Kapitonov and Ivan Minin. It is actually sort of impressive that not one, but three writers, could collectively manage to churn out something this dreadful.

My rating of "The Widow" lands on a more than generous two out of ten stars, and that is based solely on the atmosphere that there was to the movie. Everything else here was just pointless. And having suffered through 'only' 45 minutes of this ordeal, I can honestly say that there is nothing to lure me back to finish watching the rest of this pointless movie.
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