Charming enough Christmas town
30 March 2021
Christmas films can go either way, which has been my experience watching overtime the festive output of Lifetime and Hallmark. They can either be well-meaning, charming, warm-hearted and don't feel too heavy. Or they can be too over-sentimental, cheesy, contrived and bland. There have been many films of theirs that have fallen in both camps and in the camp where there is a bit of both. And 'Christmas in Solvang' did have the sort of premise where the execution could have gone either way.

Lifetime's 2020 Christmas film batch, like all their previous years, was pretty hit and miss which was not unexpected. 'Christmas in Solvang' is somewhere in the middle. If one was to judge it from its early portions, it could have easily passed for being one of the worst if it didn't get better. Luckily 'Christmas in Solvang' did get better once Aubrey became more comfortable and progressed, providing that one is willing to stick with it. Was really umming and erring at first whether to but don't regret my decision to stick with it.

As can be figured out, to me 'Christmas in Solvang' started off not just badly but terribly. Really disliked Aubrey as a character to begin with and that her negative characteristics were overwritten to breaking point. Which made her truly unlikeable with hardly anything redeeming about her. The dialogue is pretty bad early on, sounding very awkward and difficult to take at face value.

Even when things improve, the predictability factor is very high with very little fresh done with familiar tropes. Kelly Jackle is a little over the top at times, though she does have times where she is amusing.

However, as said, 'Christmas in Solvang' does get better. Most of the acting is serviceable at least, though Jackle could have done with more subtlety and Natalie Hall also overdoes it at first and even for the character seemed ill at ease. When Aubrey as a character loosens up, Hall becomes more relaxed and as a result more engaging and with a lot more charm. Jon Prescott is a very likeable male lead and Jo Marie Payton is a joy in the film's best performance. The characters may lack depth but do become easier to like when they grow. Hall and Prescott's chemistry is a bit on and off, it is very genuine and sweet later but was very disconnected and awkward to begin with.

Furthermore, 'Christmas in Solvang' is visually appealing despite the obviously artificial snow. Lovely scenery especially. The music is not as intrusive as it tends to be with Lifetime. The script does flow a lot better later and doesn't get over cheesy or too schmaltzy. The story is predictable but also has a good deal of charm and light-heartedness, leaving me with a warm glow. The ending is not as easily prematurely telegraphed as it tends to be.

In summary, the early portions are a turn off but improves drastically. Not great but not dreadful on the whole either. 6/10.
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