Review of The Swamp

The Swamp (2021)
Russian LOST
27 March 2021
The main characters are a guy who is clearly based on Pavel Durov, then there is a tabloid reporter, a Chechen girl who runs away from unwanted marriage arrangement, a girl from religious family whose sister just died in a bike accident...and one more girl who is a sexy cute type. All these different types come together to go for a trip to visit a mysterious monastery in God-knows-where place somewhere in Russia of course.

This Russian gloomier and much less entertaining version of American TV show LOST is packed with unlikeable main characters played by mediocre actors and propaganda of Russian Orthodox Church. The events don't make any sense. The finale doesn't offer any resolution. The episodes just drag on with boring dialogues that have no point. The characters often talk to each other in confrontational manner and constantly use explicit language, and often tell each other to g... f....themselves. It is supposed to be edgy and cool but instead comes off redundant and tedious. The show is pretending to have a deeper meaning; it is some sort of allegory or a metaphor for Russia as this place of mystery wrapped in enigma but this legend is getting old.
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