Murphy Brown: Buddies Schmuddies (1989)
Season 2, Episode 6
Their own paranoia is their worst enemy.
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With Murphy and Frank being called up by anonymous source wanting to give them a very important story, they become rivals to get it, failing to work together like they normally do. Thinking that the other one is sabotaging the other, they begin to sabotage back, and this could cost them both the story. They have to realize what is important in their life, and their friendship, the backbone of the first season, is far too valuable, to them and to the audience because it is one of the few male and female friendships that doesn't involve passion. Murphy has another funny secretary, a woman so depressed that she begins to depress everybody else with her life trials. This leads to a very funny brief conversation with Jim who handles it perfectly. Another funny moment at Phil's has him having hired a musical performer who is so bad and unfunny that he keeps clearing the place. The main story is excellent and the two surrounding stories very funny, another great episode as the second season gets rolling.
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