The Flash: Central City Strong (2021)
Season 7, Episode 4
Say What?
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm just dense, but the story didn't seem to make any sense? What were the three obelisks? Who sent them and the bomb to 2021 Central City, and how and why? Why did Abra have to turn the shed into the first obelisk? Or if the obelisk was inside the shed... why? And how did ARGUS get the third obelisk?

David Dastmalchian was okay as Abra; the role had a little more depth than his Murdoc on 'MacGyver'. But even that generated a plot hole or two. If he was kind of a good guy with a family, why did he become a villain?

Also, I don't think memories work the way that they do here. The Crisis was a temporal event: you shouldn't be able to remember an eliminated timeline no matter what kind of memory enhanced you have access to. It's not a matter of biology, but of temporal/quantum physics. Okay, unless you're a Time Lord or something.

And another bit of weird characterization: why was Allegra at the Mirrorverse survivor meeting? She wasn't trapped in the Mirrorverse? Yes, she had issues with Eva and Nash, but that had nothing to do with being trapped in the Mirrorverse. So it's nice that she and Iris have a connection (what happened to Kamilla?). But what it had to do with the ending, I have no idea.

And it's another "Barry is the Paragon of Hope" episode that lets him save the day. Or he's the Paragon of Love, I forget. The production staff seem to use the two interchangeably. When he's the Flash, Barry is pretty much useless. Abra snares him with a metal halo, and the Strength Force Behemoth just... grabs him. Ezra Miller's Barry Allen, at least in the Snyder cut, wouldn't have these problems. What happened to the TV Flash's "bullet time"? I get that if Flash was shown as fast as he should be, most of the conflicts would be over in... a flash. But slowing him down this much just makes him look like an incompetent dweeb.

The bits with Cisco and Frost were good, because Valdez and Panabaker are class acts. Nicolet was wasted. And I'm already missing Tom Cavanagh as one Wells or another. I suppose the actor has another gig somewhere. Shame that.

So overall, a so-so episode that the production staff had a decent concept for. Central City dealing with Invasion 4.0. But they couldn't build a decent story around it, so they just tossed in the kitchen sink and ignored characterization.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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