The Nanny: The Facts of Lice (1997)
Season 4, Episode 18
Sylvia learns that crunches at a gym doesn't mean Nestle's.
24 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
She's joined a gym because they've put in a muffin bar, and still has room for lunch with Yetta over at the Sheffield's. It's food on Fran's mind too, having found a half eaten Snickers bar in Brighton's pants that she's sewing up. And it's a ticky situation for the kids, all discovered to have head lice which of course results in an entire pharmacy knowing her business thanks to the blunt clerk. But for Fran, it could be her last day as a nanny as she suspects that Niles is plotting a murder, having revealed his disgust at being a servant. For the Southern born Daniel Davis, he goes down Noel Coward with his use of "vedy" instead of "very". Fran and Val are hysterically placed on Niles' rotating wardrobe hiding from him while trying to find evidence, and eventually, Niles begins to suspect that something is up. It's obvious where this is going, even though C.C. is not his intended victim, at least in this case. For stage veteran Davis, he's letter perfect as always, never losing character regardless of the situation. It's hysterical how Niles discovers that Fran was spying on him, and she's wearing the most darling brick outfit. Completely fun in every way especially with the film noir spoof.
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